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About Vkontakte accounts

Before you buy vkontakte, be sure to read the description of the product, as a rule, shops try to specify all the nuances and subtleties. So that you understand what you are buying, let's go over the basic terminology and classify the proposed products:

Buy autoreg vk

Means that you will purchase a page that was registered with the help of software. At first glance, such accounts are all the same and do not differ much filled in profile fields, quality avatar, profile photos, etc. As a rule, the less filled out the profile - the cheaper such an account. These accounts are created for the purpose of further sale, so, most likely, you will be the only owner.

Buy retriv

Will mean that you are buying a page vk, created by a real person, but due to any reasons and circumstances lost access to it. Retriv accounts are obtained by restoring access through the mail to which they are registered. When buying such a product, you get real pages with good behavioural history, which were registered with unique ip and mac addresses, which in turn provides a longer and quieter use of these pages in mailings, nakrutki and other activities. Do not forget about the moral side - in essence it is a hack of the account vk.

Buy inactive vk

You will get an account, to which is not attached to the phone number, you can immediately attach a virtual number. Otherwise, each of your actions, such as join the group, send a message, etc. will need to enter captcha.

Buy an asset in vk

Buy an account that has a phone number tied to it, which gives you more freedom of action and fewer problems. You won't have to deal with annoying captcha all the time.


How much time has passed since you changed the password on the account or its registration. Practice shows that it is simply impossible to buy a cheap vk with a large amount of dormancy. Such accounts live longer, are less prone to blocking and therefore they are better, and what is better is more expensive.


Account vkontakte created on a non-existent, fictitious person.

Profile Completeness

Means how filled the purchased profile in vk, as a rule, autoregions pick up photos from the vastness of the Internet, as well as the rest of the data of the purchased page in vk. The better filled vk account, the more expensive it will cost.

Now you know the basic definitions and terminology that will be useful to you before you buy a vk page. Also do not forget to read not only the description of each product, but also the rules that we show you before each purchase.
